About 40% of respondents felt that this type of advertising is effective, but as a presence for brands
Much has been discussed on the effectiveness of the advertising business in social networking sites, but it is clear that after the fall of the advertising in the media and traditional media, the trend and confidence in online advertising continues to grow and proliferate mainly through these networks.

Some of these social networks like Facebook each day increases the number of members and participants making it one of the largest digital media projection forecasts that according to Mark Andreessen, one of the principals of the social network could generate around $ 500 million over the next 5 years. This figure could even reach 1,000 million dollars annually if the effort to sell advertising to be much higher as Andreessen himself.
However, although these forecasts are manifested in a particularly optimistic, the reality of its effectiveness may not exactly match the growth experienced or expected and opinions about it may be distant from these hypothetical predictions.
Is it really effective advertising on social networks?
According to a survey developed by the digital newspaper PuroMarketing.com, the 27.94% of respondents believe that advertising is really effective.
But advertising social networks thoughts about enhancing factor “branding” as the vast majority of respondents (39.71%) believes that this type of advertising is effective, but as a brand presence.
On the other hand, there is an important part of the respondents (19.12%) who believe that advertising on social networks could be improved. This could be interpreted as beyond the traditional formats or visibility of the ads themselves, there are gaps or innovative proposals to make advertising more attractive to interest users.
Finally, with a lower percentage than expected, only a 13.24% of respondents believe it unfavorably to the effectiveness of advertising on social networking sites.
Apart from the data we obtained from this survey is no different form or strategy on many brands and companies are based to generate greater advertising presence or impact.
As we mentioned recently , perhaps the social network advertising continues to use an advertising model obsolete or inappropriate can not compete against the strategies of social marketing or social media that, users, brands and companies have taken advantage of purely commercial purposes without the need to show or pay for a single ad.